living and dying


This is my dearest mango tree..

It is dying now~

My hubby said: no matter what happen, our guo guo shu (果果树) will always be in our memory,, how true, we couldn’t keep everything with us, can we? Be live in one heart,,

To own something without owning it, that’s the art of owning =)

Wish my dear guoguo shu get well soon…

What is living and what is dying?

Is dying leading to another living?

With my own eyes, I can see my mango tree is dying…

Will it be living, if I keep it living in my mind,, is that still consider as living? Or, a dead living..

Though, I learned that life is choosing, but to choose death is wrong, then, is life still a process of choosing,,

Or, the power of choosing only apply within the range of human power,, then, who determine the defined choosing power..

I learned karma,, karma is the force which determine.. whatever

But why my dear mango tree have to be brought away,, I couldn’t imagine… how and when this process of dying started…  ya~~ death comes without notice``

Is that the reason to why I was taught to live this moment, not the future, not the past,,

Can I use this as an excuse to not believing in forever..

How silly, there is no forever..


Because the one make me slowly begin to believe in forever,, promise me forever,, but somehow, definition of forever of us seems like not quite the same,,

I couldn’t believe in what we can’t see for now.. now is now,, there is no forever in now,,

Is that why my mango tree dying??

What is last? Could anything be ever last?

Is our beloved guoguo shu can live forever in our mind,, rather,, memory fades, isn’t it?


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