
Showing posts from September, 2006


何为价值? 为什么 “名” 画要卖这么贵? 为什么槟城的屋子这么贵(竟然有人讲:这是把马来人赶出槟岛的手段!可笑!!)? 为什么双溪大年的屋子这么便宜? 为什么Nike的鞋子这么贵? Power 的这么便宜? 除了品质上的不一~~ 很多物品,价钱差这么远价值在哪里? 名~ 名牌就是这么贵的嘛! (不贵的啦!很值的~~) 首个问题,为什么名牌会变成名牌~ 名牌是怎样变成名牌的? 比如:Gucci的包包是本来就这么贵, 还是变成名牌过后才这么贵~~ Fendi的鞋子是以前以前就这么贵吗? 那是一个怎样的过程~ 从非名牌变成名牌 非常难了解的学问啊!! 于是,很多人很努力地把自己的产品加值家码~ 可是,看起来,要变成名牌,发生在别人品牌上好像很容易… 可是,自己的品牌就是红不起来~ 一个品牌走向名牌的路程是不是跟一个影星,歌手走向大红大紫一样呢? 如果是的话,好像比较容易明白了~ 是不? 不过啊!我还是很好奇何为价值~ 价值观这个东西~ 真是很棒的— 它可以让一样东西价值上升下降 像股票,像货币值 我想,我是时候进修一下有关经济的常识了~ 要不,毕了业,我如何在社会立足与生活呢? =)

living and dying

  This is my dearest mango tree.. It is dying now~ My hubby said: no matter what happen, our guo guo shu ( 果果树 ) will always be in our memory,, how true, we couldn’t keep everything with us, can we? Be live in one heart,, To own something without owning it, that’s the art of owning =) Wish my dear guoguo shu get well soon… What is living and what is dying? Is dying leading to another living? With my own eyes, I can see my mango tree is dying… Will it be living, if I keep it living in my mind,, is that still consider as living? Or, a dead living.. Though, I learned that life is choosing, but to choose death is wrong, then, is life still a process of choosing,, Or, the power of choosing only apply within the range of human power,, then, who determine the defined choosing power.. I learned karma,, karma is the force which determine.. whatever But why my dear mango tree have to be brought away,, I couldn’t imagine… how and when this process of dying started…   ya~~ death comes ...

beautiful oldies

开着老旧的 oldies 看星星飘扬 写意啊 ! 为什么生活要这么忙碌 为什么啊 ! 要给我很多很多机会可以忙里偷闲么 ? 哦 ~ 我真是被厚爱的 ! 要知道哦 ! 忙里偷闲的闲可是最最珍贵的 , 所以也就显得最最写意啊 ~~