Journey to Doulos, the floating book fair

Scan0003 We spent RM8.40 to and fro for two person to get to the kuantan port from kuantan town.. public bus.. Being tooooo tired after everything, i slept in the bus and found myself being brought to unknown place.. haha

Whatever it is, upon reaching the port, when i saw Doulos, tears nearly burst being tooo admire myself successfully reach the dreamed Doulos with just guide from unknow citizens of kuantan.

Scan0022So not true, actually, visiting to Doulos is a dream i post upon knowing that Doulos is coming to Malaysia.. and so lucky i am, it stop at kuantan in my mid-term holiday, thus, i could just visit my dream without hesitate..  no skipping class, no anything that could stop me, or to have any second thought of mine..

Therefore, we bought (we means me and my dear) tickets to kuantan from kelantan.. After reached kuantan in very early in the morning, no place to sleep, we walk down town with some not-so-clear map we searched via internet, printed, we manage to get to the hotel i proposed to stay in. Hey,, then, we saw another budget hotel beside that proposed one.. even cheaper and look nice, with quite good facilities too,, we don't need luxurious one afterall.. so, we manage to save RM 35.. =)

Scan0020_1Unable to check in, but only after 2 pm, forced us to walk around the town, hey,, another surprise, we spotted a kopitiam selling bah kut teh, wowww,, that's a gift to us, although a bit expensive, actually worth it, imagine a medium size of claypot, full with bah kut,, really fulled..

Wait until the information hut open, by a polite lady, we were given explanation on interesting places in kuantan, which none of them we visit, how to get to kuantan port, recommended via taxi, which is soo expensive, and where to rent a car, which is even moreeee expensive.. Of course, we only got to know about the price after we called and asked.. RM40 via taxi, that means another RM40 to get back to town, RM 154 a car for 24 hours.. Can't afford laa...

Another arising crisis: we walk back to bus terminal to buy tickets: bus tickets back to penang all sold out, to perlis too sold out,, oh, my....

What to do, after considerations and considerations, we decided to go to KL, hopefully we could get tickets to penang or perlis in KL..

To get to the port wasn't an easy job too, decided to take the public bus, we asked the person in information counter in some shopping mall on how to take a bus to the port, luckily he knows.. Getting to bus stop is another problem, no sign, following a simple map that guy drew, we get to the spot but lost, after asking and asking, finally we found the big tree he meant, the bus stop is under a big tree he said.. =) how cute~~

Finally,,,,, we get on a bus, not knowing when and where we were reaching, both of us slept in the bus, see, too tired..

That's why tears just "rolling" in my eyes when we reach there..

Scan0014I would say we were lucky having so many people helped us troughout the journey, journey to my dear DOulos..

Story doesn't end there,, everything goes smoothily until we start waiting for our bus to come in puduraya.. Being late for an hour, finally the bus came, i was sooooooo worried you see.. Still, fortunately (again), we reached kangar safely, on time, with no other matters arising..

This is the most excited journey i've ever went through..

You see, i like things to be planned,, although i always dream to have a trip to nowhere.. This special trip does give me the feeling of being a backpacker,, therefore, we make a deal to walk through all the towns in Malaysia before we reach to overseas.. Wish us a success.. Thank you =)

Scan0004Oh, ye.. before i forget, curious what i bought from the floating bookshop,,,,, a paper-made down scaled doulos model 3D puzzle,, i will finish it soon,, show you the photo when finished =)

go to for more information..



  1. That was really an unforgetable journey with lots of tears and joys.
    Can u imagine that the same road we walked through it 3 times in that journey, ya, walk... no cars and no bike, but it does gave us lots of fun. Ya, we sure will have our next backpacker trip in future!! Wish us a success!!
    One more thing, we managed to found one kopitiam selling old town style toast and egg. It's really tasted good!!
    Although it took us a long journey to travel to the Doulos, but it's really worth it coz it really make my dear and me happy.
    Journey to Doulos really posted lots of sweet memory in my mind.


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